This sign is made out of pine and stained. 12x12 inside hide. You pick choice of font, design and names.
We make a custom box and ship it off priority both nationally and internationally. Sweet little sign with some pretty powerful options but we are limited on space.
This sign is made out of pine and stained. 12x18 inside hide. You pick choice of font, design and names.
We make a custom box and ship it off priority both nationally and internationally. This is the size you would want to start with if you're looking to add a brand at a wedding ceremony. Need help with a brand? I can help with that too.
This sign is made out of pine and stained. 12x18 inside hide. You pick choice of font, design and names.
We make a custom box and ship it off priority both nationally and internationally. This is largest size we offer, I use it for weddings, anniversaries with grandparents that want to add the kiddos names to it. I have tons of pictures.